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글자 확대축소 영역

Undergraduate School

Faculty of General Education

Undergraduate School - Faculty of General Education
code Course Title Credits Period Year
30658 Learn Korean Culture and Custom in English 2 Spring/Fall All
30649 Learn Korean Language in English 3 Spring/Fall All
35715 Current Korean 3 Spring/Fall All
31674 Advanced Korean For Foreigners 3 Spring/Fall All
31673 Intermediate Korean For Foreigners 3 Spring/Fall All
31672 Basic Korean for Foreigners 3 Spring/Fall All
05997 German Culture & Art 2 Spring All
30655 Woman Culture & Feminism of Germany 2 Spring All
35708 Economy and Institution 2 Spring All
35148 English Music Culture 2 Fall All
35149 English Through Sports 2 Fall All
35150 English in Film and Television 2 Fall All
35151 Business Trends & Analysis 2 Fall All
35152 How to Discuss 2 Fall All

Social Sciences & Human Ecology

Undergraduate School - Social Sciences & Human Ecology
code Course Title Credits Period Year
10774 Biochemistry Lab. 2 Spring 2nd
16383 Genetics 3 Spring 2nd
29934 Animal Behavior 3 Spring 3rd
32444 Animal Cell and Embryo Biotechnology & Laboratory 3 Spring 3rd
34299 Milk Science & Lab. 3 Spring 3rd
31099 Molecular Enzymology 3 Spring 3rd
24926 Environmental Policy and Planning 3 Spring 3rd
35731 Urban Statistic 3 Spring 3rd
15842 Operating System 3 Spring 3rd
16539 Plant Breeding 3 Spring 3rd
10235 Theory of Industrial Organization 3 Spring 3rd
31103 Environmental Microbiology 3 Spring 4th
18895 Information Economics 3 Spring 4th
27674 Environment and Industrial 3 Spring 4th
30003 Marketing & Distribution Management Seminar 2 Spring 4th
21804 Soil Mechanics 2 Spring/Fall 3rd
21820 Test of Soil Mechanics 1 Spring/Fall 3rd
29987 Wildlife Ecology 3 Fall 2nd
16409 Fluid Mechanics Exercise 2 Fall 2nd
34294 Molecular Breeding 3 Fall 3rd
17997 Economics of Resources and Environments 3 Fall 3rd
20721 Reinforced Concrete 3 Fall 3rd
31102 Recombinant DNA Technology 2 Fall 4th
30004 Environment Management Seminal 2 Fall 4th
02907 Bridge Engineering 3 Fall 4th


Undergraduate School - Arts
code Course Title Credits Period Year
36056 Living-Art and Craft 3 Spring 1st
04749 Basic new form (practice course) 2 Spring 1st
27622 Color and Application (practice course) 3 Spring 1st
34308 Basic Plastic Art (practice course) 2 Spring 1st
04761 Basic Painting (practice course) 2 Spring 1st
35995 Practice of Traditional Performing Arts (practicecourse) 2 Spring 1st
36083 Design Sketch (Basic) (practice course) 2 Spring 2nd
36058 Seminar in Dance 2 Spring 2nd
28778 Ear-Training and Sight-Sing (practice course) 1 Spring 2nd
32612 World Percussion (practice course) 1 Spring 2nd
28767 Diction (EN) (practice course) 2 Spring 3rd
35968 Keyboard Harmony (practice course) 1 Spring 3rd
35975 Instrumentation and Orchestration (practice course) 2 Spring 3rd
35983 World-Wide Music Appreciation 2 Spring 3rd
36106 Film Editing (practice course) 3 Spring 3rd
32481 Theater Internship (practice course) 3 Spring 4th
31139 Independent Study (practice course) 2 Spring 4th
35971 Beethoven 2 Spring 4th
35972 The Survey of Piano Concerto 2 Spring 4th
08284 Ballet Variation (practice course) 2 Spring 4th
35979 Aesthetics of Silk Road Music 3 Spring/Fall 4th
28749 Visualization 2 Fall 3rd

Catalog for Courses offered in English