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About CAU Introduction 3depth

글자 확대축소 영역

Exchange students can take the introductory Korean language and culture courses in English. If they have basic knowledge of the Korean language, they can take the intermediate courses offered in Korean. The following courses are offered

Common Introductory courses conducted in English on Seoul and Anseong Campus :


Korean Culture and Custom in English(2 credits)

For the first step, students will talk about Korean culture, custom in general, the way of living, and psychology of the people. They will have a better understanding about the people and the country and have opportunity to share their own culture. This class is designed to help students to appreciate the differences among different culture. For the second step, students will talk about the current issues of Korea, culture, custom in general, the way of living, and psychology of the people more in detail from the first semester. They will have opportunity to share their own culture and appreciate the differences among different culture.


Korean Language in English(2 credits)

[Spring semester] Introduction to Korean language. Learn useful expressions and basic grammar for students in beginning or intermediate levels. Students will learn how to make appropriate sentences in different settings.
[Fall Semester] Introduction to Korean proverbs and other daily expressions. Learn advanced grammar and vocabulary for students who want to polish the ability of Korean language. Students will increase the language skills by participating in various class activities.

Common Intermediate courses offered in Korean on Seoul and Anseong Campus :


Intermediate Korean for foreigners(3 credits)

  • Korean Conversation 1,2
  • Korean Writing 1,2
  • Korean Reading 1,2

Courses offered on Anseong Campus :


Korean for Foreigners (Beginner’s course,3credit)

This course, Korean for foreigners(for Beginners), is delivered in a multi media room environment. Delivery strategies is to reflect the nature of the desired learning Korean language and meet the needs of foreign students who don’t major in Korean and so don't do it well. The material is pretty concrete and practical so that students use it in the middle of campus life and in Korea. Through this course beginners can speak, read and listen basic Korean


Korean for Foreigners (Intermediate course,3credit)

This course, Korean for foreigners(for Intermediates), is delivered in a multimedia room environment. Delivery strategies is to reflect the nature of the desired learning Korean language and meet the needs of foreign students who major in Korean or have somewhat deep knowledge of Korean. The material is concrete and practical so that students use it fluently living in Korea. Through this course intermediates can not only speak, read and listen basic Korean but also improve their Korean as a second language and acquire useful expressions used by Korean


Korean for Foreigners ( Advanced course,3credit)

This course, Korean for foreigners(for Advanced), is delivered in a multimedia room environment. Delivery strategies is to reflect the nature of the desired learning Korean language and meet the needs of foreign students who major in Korean and have professional knowledge of Korean. The material is somewhat theoretical, but commonly concrete and practical. It helps students to prepare for Test of Korean language and acquire much more understanding of Korean language. Through this course advanced students can express Korean both oral and written as if they are bilingualists


Contemporary Korean ( Advanced course,3credit)

In addition to above listed courses, 6 level Korean Language Courses at the Korean Language Institute are available to exchange students.